UNISEX LUBRICANT | cold effect


The Freshness Unlimited Intimate Lubricant provides an amazingly cool, incredibly stimulating sensation during sex.

Exquisitely soft, this refreshing intimate lubricant has been designed with the utmost respect for the skin and mucous membranes with over 99% of ingredients of natural origin. Neither to fluid nor too viscous, the YESforLOV Mixed Lubricant Freshness Unlimited has been formulated with menthol and menthyl lactate, cosmetic active ingredients that have the ability to reduce penile hypersensitivity and intensify the excitability of the clitoris and vaginal walls.

Enriched in hyaluronic acid, this intimate lubricant cold effect preserves durably its lubricating effect and knows how to be made forgotten with the exclusive benefit of your most subtle and most unbridled pleasures, within the framework of all the penetrations, vaginal or anal. Ideal in the summer period, this lubricating gel cold sensation intervenes in the middle of your most intimate pleasure to offer you on-a-plate lubrication of long duration and intense shivers to the flower of mucous membranes.

Striking in its effects but discreet in its use, YESforLOV Freshness Unlimited Mixed Lubricant is a purified water-based lubricant that is transparent, fragrance-free, and non-sticky.

Tested under gynecological control, YESforLOV Mixed Lubricant Freshness Unlimited is automatically in harmony with all forms of sexuality. It is compatible with both sex toys and condoms.

Innovative, of an unequaled purity, our natural lubricant cold effect made in France keeps all its promises by putting your senses ... in all directions!  

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