

The YESforLOV intimate hide-and-seek kit is a game full of sexual sensuality that allows you to confess your secret desires to you partner!

This unusual box consists of an invisible ink pen and a fluorescent light so that you can write secret messages on their erotic body and then search for them using the light.

Go ahead and confess your deepest desires and naughtiest fantasies on their skin and see if they can find them. Let this exciting treasure hunt take you on a journey of rediscovering and cherishing your partner’s erotic beauty, inside and out.  

Are You ready for an intimate hide and seek? This game of desire is perfect for when you have a life changing and romantic announcement to declare! Whether it’s 3 special words, a proposal, or the arrival of a new baby, it is the perfect tool.  

Our suggestions for lovers using the hide-and-seek kit: 

A one-on-one evening. An exceptional announcement that should be a milestone in the couple's life. An new baby or the renewal of sex after a happy event. Or simply just a game of desire.  

Are you ready to turn up the hot intensity through a game of hide-and-seek!

The YESforLOV Hide and Seek kit contains: 

- 1 invisible felt pen, dermatologically tested,
- 1 black light and 3 LR927 batteries included.

The ink does not stain the sheets and can be rinsed off with clear soapy water.

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